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About firm construction

Hey there. You might be here because you have a burning curiosity about Firm Construction Perth who used to live at this address on the internet. They are no longer located here. We are creating a learning repository for folks who like construction, renovation and learning. We have no affiliation with the construction company in Perth called Firm Construction. Please stick around to have a read and be nosy at the news articles about that company if that is what you seek. Otherwise, feel free to check out our stories, have a great day!

news archive on firm construction perth

What We write about

Renovation, carpentry, building, reviews, equipment and whatever takes our fancy. The rules are there are no rules.

Pro tip

Superior quality custom home builders can be a bit difficult to pin down, and when you do, you better believe your wallet is getting pinned down too. But isn’t it true you get what you pay for? It seems like it’s getting harder and harder to find a builder you can trust. The most important thing you can do is take references, snoop as hard as you can on the internet and make sure your builder is licensed and liquid!

Another One Bites the Dust? Check out this article on WA Today

FIRM Construction has gone into voluntary administration, just days after the State Government stripped the building company of its contract to build a primary school in Wellard.

It was also building the new Metronet Bayswater station.

The company had three more government contracts for construction projects at Westminster Primary School, Ocean Reef Senior High School and Lakelands Senior High School. Read more

Into Administration. Check out news article

West Australian business FIRM Construction has fallen into administration in yet another blow for the embattled construction industry.

Director Mark O’Gorman said the business had been doing everything it could but failed to pull through the financial challenges of 2022. The industry is facing major problems from a steep rise in costs to labour and material shortages that have slashed profits on existing fixed-price contracts. Read more

Fresh numbers reveal the cost of Firm Construction’s collapse for the State Government. (WA Today)

The State Government’s bill to fix up the wreckage of collapsed commercial builder Firm Construction has hit $36 million. Read more

Construction company fined $600,000 over Rottnest building collapse. (Govt News)

A construction company has been fined $600,000 over serious injuries suffered by two workers at a construction site on Rottnest Island.

Firm Construction Pty Ltd pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe work environment and, by that failure, causing serious harm to the two workers, and was fined in the Perth Magistrates Court on Monday. Read more

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